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Mia Bergeron

Artist Statement

“My recent oil paintings seek to express both memory and observation in one image, hopefully conjuring a fascination for the visual world and a sense of nostalgia.”


Mia Bergeron’s interest in art began early in life, being exposed to art on a daily basis through life in New York City and through her parents' graphic design firm. Mia went on to attend the Rhode Island School of Design in 1998, but decided to leave to pursue a more traditional painting education. She attended and taught at the Charles H Cecil Studio in Florence, Italy from 2002-2005. She has pursued figurative painting professionally since leaving Italy, and her work is collected throughout the United States and Europe. She has received numerous awards, including two years as a juried finalist in the Portrait Society of America’s International Figurative Competition, was voted “Top Ten Modern Portrait Artists” by One Fine Bid, and in 2009 was named “20 Artists Under 30 to Collect Now” by SouthWest Art Magazine. She is represented by Robert Lange Studios in Charleston, SC and Gallery 1261 in Denver, CO.